
I said bla bla bla ...

by - 9:22:00 AM

Currently :

  • I started to doodle, making custom doodle and it'll be printed on mug. Just take a look at my instagram: instagram.com/besinikel
  • Babap gave a bucket of flowers. Not really a bucket, cuma 5 tangkai menurut nganaaa hahaha. I'm beyond happy!
  • We went to KRB (Kebon Raya Bogor) last Saturday, happy happy happy! Tapi mehong yeeee, besok2 mau pinjem kartu LIPI aja daaaaah! :r
  • Kaka is turning 15 mos and I still feel the LDR thingy. Yang puwaling dahsyat hari Selasa kemaren, pas makan PijaHat (padahal menunya delight dowang hahahaha) sampe tembus, dan gw ga pake brespet. Seneng-seneng malu :P
  • Rubella is coming to town. Sedih sedih sedih sedih sedih.
  • I visited RSIA Herminung yesterday and had a drama, karena seorang dokter. Will tell soon. 
See you!

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  1. Anonymous12/05/2013

    aishhh... mulai sibuk sama bisnis baru rupanyaaa... LOL
    Aku sukaaa liat mug2nya. Lucu banget, nget, nget. Kapan2 aku pesen yaaaa.. :)

  2. pengen pesen jugak..tapi bingung mau sketch macem apose :D

  3. Mbak Fit & Pritut hihihi oke okeeee.. tak tunggu looh pesenannya hahahahahahaha :P

  4. dan saya salah satu pelanggan dudling nya hehehe

  5. MbakDe: trimikisiii :k


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